Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Poor Perry

I found an article in the Austin American Statesman that really caught my eye called, “Poor Rick Perry: He’s stuck in a great big house with a swimming pool.” In this article about Governor Rick Perry, columnist John Kelso is pretty angry about how our governor compared himself to the victims of Hurricane Ike just because he had to spend some time away from his mansion. Kelso talks about how Perry had to be moved out of the Governor’s Mansion into a million dollar back up home which includes a swimming pool. It’s obvious that Kelso is pretty upset about Perry’s comments about how he can relate to the hurricane victims because he has no idea what those victims are really going through. This makes me pretty angry too because Rick Perry has it real easy compared to actual people who have lost their homes and other things that are valuable to them. Perry complains about the inconvenience of having to temporarily move and be out of his regular mansion. There are many people who can’t even return to Galveston because there is no electricity and there is also the worry that when they return they won’t even have a house anymore. For Perry to even compare himself with these evacuees is naïve and just plain wrong. To add just one more thing that really bothers me about this article is that our state is paying for Governor Perry’s rent on this temporary house and the monthly rent is just about 10,000 dollars. I’m glad that Kelso wrote this article because I like to know when tax dollars are going to people who don’t need it and who definitely don’t deserve it.

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