Monday, October 20, 2008

A Small Breeze for Perry

As I was looking through the Austin American Statesman I found this article named "Selby: Ike puts wind in Perry's sails," and it seemed funny to me. Governor Perry has called for the kind of national aid that Katrina was given and he says he is doing everything he can to help reconstruct the Texas coast. The reason why I thought this article seemed funny was because the author of it, Selby, is acting like just because Perry is showing some decent leadership in the hurricanes aftermath, he thinks Perry will win a third term as Texas Governor. Now in my opinion Perry would have to get real lucky to be nominated again because if you remember the 2006 election Perry won with only 40% of the vote and I know some one will run against him and changes will be made. It's pretty obvious that Selby is targeting the Republican base in order to shine some good light on Perry. Selby is an American Statesman Staff, but his logic in thinking that he has already secured the 2010 election is just plain wrong. There is still two years till that election and there is no way it is already decided. Right now there is still a lot to be done on the coast and it is moving way to slow. Perry needs to make sure that we get those people taken care of and get a move on with the reconstruction so that those people can return to their lives. If Perry can turn things around and get the job done I might change my mind about him, but until he makes some changes I'll be waiting for someone to come along to challenge him.

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