Monday, September 22, 2008

Aid Arriving for Ike Victims

I saw this article in the Austin American Statesman and it made me proud to see that many people are doing whatever they can in order to help those in need and it also made me want to do my part because even with all the help these survivors are given they still need tons more. In the aftermath of Hurrican Ike, relief efforts are finally beginning to get into Houston and Galveston. Along with food and water there are also many hopefull search and rescue operations going on. State and federal officials set up between 16-20 aid stations in Southeast Texas to help out and they plan on setting up atleast 20 more as soon as possible. Relief efforst by FEMA have been really helpful to many people, they've handed out more than a million bottles of water, a million meals and about 600,000 pounds of ice in less than 36 hours after Hurrican Ike. Right now there are still between 15,000-20,000 people still in Galveston, but our aid services just can't handle that amount of people with the resources that they have. There are a lot of people doing great things and this really shows us all how Texans can always come together to pick eachother up.

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