Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Texting and Driving Don't Mix

A recent post by one of my fellow colleagues about Don’t Text..just Drive is absolutely right. We live in a world with a million distractions and now with the ability of text messages it can turn a simple car trip into a very dangerous situation. There are already enough accidents happening everyday, but with the distraction of text messages this number is climbing drastically. I’m not going to sit here and tell you that I’m perfect because I definitely have my moments where I’ll make a call and have a conversation, but I avoid texting while driving at all costs.
There are many people that use the hands free set in their car and think it’s the safer way to do it, but studies have been shown that any sort of multitasking while driving a vehicle is potentially dangerous. I believe that we gave cell phones a good shot, but in the end it is too distracting in a car and should be against the law to use it in the car. Driving is a responsibility because the choices you make behind the wheel affect everyone else on the road so we want to make it as safe as possible. There are already nine states that have made it illegal to be talking on cell phones while driving which I believe is the right step towards safer roads. Driving a car is already one of the most dangerous things we do in our day so let’s try and focus on the road a little more and less on our cell phones. I think the Texas Legislation needs to look into this issue with some urgency before more innocent lives are lost on the road.

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