Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Police and Your Blood

I have decided to comment on Adrianna's blog about the local Police in the Austin area being able to draw blood from any one driving that is suspected of being under the influence of alcohol. I definetly believe this is a good idea because it is a pretty big scare to a lot of people underage and will probably prevent quite a few of them from going out and getting drunk and getting behind the wheel afterwards.

Drunk driving is one of the leading causes of deaths in our nation and if this scare tactic can have even the smallest effect then I believe it is worth it. Each year many people are killed by drunk drivers and its our responsibility to try to keep drunk drivers off the street.

I totally agree with Adrianna on this subject because being drunk out on the streets is extremely dangerous to not only the driver, but also to everyone on the road. She was really convincing on why this was ok and I am right there with her. Everyone wants to go out and have fun on their weekends, but they should all know their limits and if their underage they shouldn't be on the roads if they have had anything to drink.

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